Thank You!
Thanks to the following for giving me ideas, bug reports, and translation information:

Don Benson - Debugger extraordinaire!
Josh Brehm
Peter Bromer
Carl Butler
Marco Cavina
Richard Delzenero
D�maso Dom�nguez - Great contributions!
Bill Duxbury
Kevin Eckenrode - Lots of testing!
Phyllis Edberg
Terry Fry
Pierre Giroux
Robert Goodlett
Wil Haslup
Michael Hendren
Vincenzo Iodice
B�rje Karlsson
Warren Katchmar
Dimitris Keletsekis
Bob Kelly
J�rgen Klein
Mike McCool
Michael Merkel - Lots of help here!
Oliver Molz - Big thanks here!!!
Truls 'Ozzy1' Osmundsen
Johann Sam
LeVon Smoker
Will Stanton
Jerry Withers
Dieter Zimmermann

Also thanks to the many who have contributed to the program that have been inadvertently left off this list!